Denise Bruneau's Fundraiser

It's started and it's really cold out here. . My 24 Hour Campaign - Help me help the homeless.
Join me and help make a difference, please give today.
- Hello Friends,
This year, I am taking the “24 Hours of Homelessness-Street Sleep” challenge in conjunction with Street Angels Milwaukee Outreach. For 12 hours on Saturday Oct 24th
, I will leave my home with nothing except a pub tent a blanket and the items on my back. I am going to need your support! I will go without food for 24 hours. My personal fundraiser goal is $1500.00. In addition to supporting my personal goal, your donation counts toward Street Angels’ overall goal of raising $48,000 in 48 hours. During my time away from my home, I will be looking to you, my friends and family, to help me with basic survival needs.
During my 24-hour fundraiser, I can earn certain “luxuries:”
$400 =Sleeping bag
$500=Bottled water
$600=30-minute phone charge
$1000=Hot Shower
Street Angels is a local (501c3) non-profit organization that helps meet the basic needs of individuals experiencing homeless in Milwaukee County. Street Angels operates 156 nights per year, 3 nights per week, providing hot meals, bag lunches, clothing, blankets, shelter and most importantly, HOPE to hundreds of individuals experiencing homelessness. But that isn’t all. When Street Angels hands someone a hot meal, they’re opening a door for them. They are there to learn their stories and help them take steps to end their homelessness. Never heavy-handed…Never bureaucratic…Their work is friend to friend.
Currently, Street Angels is seeing about 130 friends each night and the number keeps growing. Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on people’s livelihoods, unemployment is sky high, and evictions are resuming after the moratorium. Also critical are the terrible effects of mental health problems and addiction. New people are becoming homeless every day. They are frightened, penniless, and don’t know where to turn. Street Angels is there for them.
By helping me, you are helping hundreds of individuals who would otherwise be lost and without HOPE.
Thank you for your consideration and support,